Welcome to the Day Boys Blog!

Welcome to the Day Boys Blog. Here you will find all the current happenings of Thomas, Noah and Christian (for as fast as we can keep it up). Hope you enjoy your visit!

Splish, Splash, They were taking a bath!

Splish, Splash, They were taking a bath!

What have we been up to...(October 25th)

Sorry it has been a while since our last update. So much is going on. The boys are enjoying school. Thomas had a good first report card. Noah is ready to go back after a 3 week break (he is on the year round schedule, so there are some breaks). We have all been sick over the last week, Noah has been the worst, with Nate a close second. We are in the start of our busy time with football, the holidays and birthdays coming around and we are looking forward to some time off. Early in September we unfortunately had to put our beloved dog, Maggie, to sleep. She became very ill and it was a hard decision, but the best for her. She is now a part of our acreage as Nate dug a 3 foot deep hole out back. The boys go out to see where she is from time to time. We are getting ready to carve pumpkins, dress up for Halloween and have Thomas' birthday party.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Buffalo Farm

Upon our visit to the Buffalo farm, we saw skulls, pelts, a mounted head like above where Christian is exploring the horn. We also saw the newly born buffalo calf above in the picture. The mom was being very protective and was right by the electric fence which was turned off, but in reading the info that was given to us, they will charge or jump through so we thought it was best to step back some. I did not take a picture though of the mama buffalo trying to give birth in front of everyone.

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